B.Com 3rd Year
Paper Code |
Paper Name |
External (Yearly Examination) |
Practical |
Total |
BC 301 |
Income Tax |
100 |
-- |
100 |
BC 302 |
Company Law |
100 |
-- |
100 |
BC 303 |
100 |
-- |
100 |
BC 304 |
Entrepreneurship & Small |
100 |
-- |
100 |
BC 305 |
Money & Financial System |
100 |
-- |
100 |
BC 306 (B) |
Indirect Tax |
100 |
-- |
100 |
BC 301
Subject Name : Income Tax
Objective: It enables the students to know the basic knowledge of income Tax Law comprises of Income Tax Act,1961. Income Tax Rules,1962, Government Notification. Finance Act –Annual. Circular & Clarification of CBDT, Judicial Decision and its implications.
Income Tax: Meaning, Objectives and Importance, Definition of Important Terms as per Income Tax
Act, 1961-Income, Gross Total Income, Total Income, Agricultural Income, Assessment Year,
Previous Year, Assessee and Person, Residence and Tax Liability, Exempted Incomes, Computation
of Taxable Income under Salary head.
Computation of Taxable Income from House Property, Profit and Gains from business and profession
or Vocation, (with provision of Depreciation) Capital Gains.
Computation of Taxable Income from other sources, Aggregation of Incomes and Deemed Incomes.
Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses, Deductions from Gross Total Income, Assessment of an
Assessment of H.U.F. and Firm, Assessment procedures:- Filing of Return, Types of Assessment, Tax
Administration:- Authorities, Appeals & Penalties, Tax deduction at source, Advance payment of tax,
Tax Management, Tax planning, Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance
01. Ahuja, Giri & Gupta, Ravi : Systematic Approach to Incomes Tax
02. Agrawal, B.K. : Income Tax law and practice
03. Agrawal, B.K. : Ayakar Vidhan Avam lekhe
04. Chandra, Mahesh&Shukla, D.C. : Income Tax Law and practices
05. Chandra, Girish : Income Tax
06. Income Tax Act and Rules : BAREACT
07. Journal of Taxmann :
08. Jain, Gaur& Narang : Ayakar
09. Mehrotra, H.C. : Income Tax Law and Practice
10. Mehrotra, H.C. : Ayakar Vidhan Avam Lekhe (kar Niyojan Sahit)
11. Prasad, Bhagwati : Income Tax and practice
12. Pagare, Dinkar : Income Tax Law practice
13. Ranga & Palkhiwala : The Law and Practices of Income Tax.
14. Singhania, V.K. : Direct Taxes- Law and Practice
15.Jaiswal K.S. and Agrawal Raj.K : Income Tax law & Accounts.
BC 302
Subject Name : Company LawObjective: The objective of this course is to provide basic knowledge of the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 along with relevant cases.
The Companies Act, 1956: Corporate Personality; Nature and Types of Companies, Conversion of
Public Companies into Private Companies and vice versa. Formation, Promotion and Incorporation of
Companies, Memorandum of Association; Articles of Association; Prospectus.
Shares; Share Capital; Members; Capital Issue of shares, Transfer and Transmission; Capital
Management- Borrowing powers, Mortgages and charges, Debentures.
Management: Directors, Managing Director, Whole- Time Director. Company Meetings- Kinds,
Quorum, Voting, Resolutions, Minutes.
Majority Powers & Minority Rights; Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement. Winding Up-
Kinds and Conduct.
1. Bagrail, A.K. : Company Law
2. Chawla& Garg : Company Law
3. Grower, L.C. B. : Principles of Modern Company Law
4. Kapoor, N.D. : Company Law- Incorporating the provisions
of Companies Amendment Act, 2000
5. Kuchhal, M.C. : Modern India Company Law
6. Ramaiya, A. : Guide to the Companies Act
7. Singh, Avtar : Company Law
8. Taxmann : Company Law
BC 303
Subject Name : Economic EnvironmentObjective: This Course develops ability to understand and scan business environment and analyse opportunities under economic environment.
Indian Economic Environment: Concept, Components and Importance Economic Trends (overview):
Income; Savings and Investments, Industry; Trade and Balance of Payments, Money; Finance; Prices.
Problems of Growth: Unemployment; Poverty, Regional Imbalances, Social Injustice; Inflation;
Parallel economy; Industrial sickness. The Current Five Years plan: Major policies; Resources
Role of Government: Monetary and Fiscal Policy; Industrial policy; Industrial licensing.
Privatization; Devaluation; Export-Import Policy; Regulation of Foreign Investment; Collaboration in
the light of Recent Changes.
International Environment: International Trading Environment (overview): Trends in the World Trade
and The problems of Developing Countries; Foreign Trade and Economic Growth; International
Economic Groupings; International Economic Institutions. GATT, WTO, UNCTAD World Bank,
IMF, GSP, GSTP; Counter Trade.
1. Agrawal, A.N. : Indian Economy
2. Dutta, R.& Sunderam, K. P.M. : Indian Economy
3. Khan, Farooq A. : Business and Society
4. Mishra, S.K. and Puri, V.K. : Indian Economy
5. Mishra : Bhartiya Artha Vyavastha
6. Sunderam & black : The International Business Environment
BC 304
Subject Name : Entrepreneurship & Small BusinessObjective: It provides exposure to the students to the entrepreneurial culture and industrial growth so as to preparing them to set up and manage their own small units.
Entrepreneurship: Concept, Characteristics, Need, functions, Risk and Types of Risk.
Entrepreneur; Characteristics, Qualities, Functions, Types, Emergence of Entrepreneurial class.
Difference between Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneur. Difference between Entrepreneur & Manager.
Theories of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship & Environment.
EDP – Meaning Need, Objective, steps, outline, achievements and training programme, Institutions
Established by the Government, Government Assistance and incentives.
Women Entrepreneurship: Meanings, Characteristics, Qualities, Problems, Steps taken to help women
Promotion of a venture: Concepts of Projects, Project Identification, Formulation and Report, Project
Appraisal. Product Selection and Techniques.
Raising of funds: Concept, Need, Types and Sources.
Small Business: Process of establishing Small Business, Nature, Objectives and Importance of Small
Business. Role of Financial Institutions in financing of small business, Infrastructural facilities. Latest
Government policy with regard to small business. Legal requirements for establishment of new unit.
Entrepreneurial Consultancy process and methods, Monitoring techniques.
1. Desai, Vasant : Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development
and Management
2. Desai, Vasant : Organisation and Management of small Scale Industry
3. Desai, A.N. : Entrepreneurship and Environment
4. Dvrcker, Perer : Innovation and Entrepreneurship
5. Gupta, C.B. : Entrepreneurship Development
6. Kenneth, P.Van : Entrepreneurship and small Business Management
7. Pareek, Udai & Ven : Developing Entrepreneurship book on Learning System
Kateswara, Rao, T
8. Shukla, M.B. : Entrepreneurship and small Business Management
9. Scholl Hammer & Kuril off : Entrepreneurship Change and small Business
10. R.C.Agrawal : Udyamita Vikas.(Hindi)
11.Entrepreneurship Development :S.S. Khanka
BC 305
Subject Name : Money & Financial SystemObjective: The course exposes the students to the working of money and financial system prevailing in India.
Money: Functions, Alternative measures to money supply in India and their different Components,
Meaning and changing relative importance of each component, High Powered Money- Meaning and
Uses, Sources of changes in high-powered money. Finance: Role of Finance in an economy, Kinds of
Finance. Financial system: Components, Financial Intermediaries, Markets and Instruments.
Indian Banking System: Definition of Bank, Commercial Banks, Importance and Functions, Structure
of Commercial Banking System in India. Balance Sheet of a Bank: Meaning and Importance of main
Liabilities and Assets. Regional Rural Banks, Cooperative Banking in India. Process of Credit
Creation by banks; Determination of money supply and total bank credit.
Unit III
Development Banks and other Non –Banking Financial Institution: Main features. Problems and
policies for Allocation of Institutional Credit: Problems between the government and the Commercial
Sector, Inter-Sectoral and Inter- Regional Problems, Problem between large and small borrowers,
Operation of Conflicting pressure before and after bank nationalization in 1969.
Unit IV
The Reserve Bank of India: Functions, Instruments of Monetary and Credit Control; Main Features of
Monetary Policy Since Independence. Interest Rates: Various rates in India( as Bond Rate, Bill Rate,
Deposit Rate, etc.); Administered rates and Market-determined rates; Sources of difference in rates of
interest; Behaviour of average level of interest rates since 1951-Impact of Inflation and Inflationary
1. Chanduler, L.V. & Goldfield, S.M. : The Economics of Money and Banking
2. Gupta, S.B. : Monetary Planning of India
3. Khan, M.Y. : Indian Financial Systems Theory & practice
4. Khubchandani : Practice and Law of Banking
5. Pnachmakhi, V.R. Rajpuria, K.M. R. : Money and Finance in World Economic
& Tandon Order
6. Sengupta, A.K. & Agarwal, N.K. : Money Market Operations in India
7. Vinayakan, N. : Banking by 2000 A.D.
8. Banking Commission : Report(s)
9. Report on Currency and Finance
10. Reserve Bank if India : Bulletin. Annual Report(s)
BC 306 (A)*
Subject Name : Indirect Tax * (Optional)Objective: This Course aims at imparting basic knowledge about major Indirect Taxes.
Central Excise: Nature and scope of Central Excise. Important terms and definitions under the Central
Excise Act; Registration Procedure, under Central Excise, Classification of goods and Valuation of
goods under Central Excise. Excise Exemption to Small-Scale units, CENVAT. Calculation of
Excise-duty. Administrative Setup of Excise duty. Penalties, offences and Punishment. Appeals and
Revision, General Procedure and Central Excise.
Customs: Role of customs in International Trade; Important terms and definitions under the Customs
Act, 1962; Import-Export Procedure, Export Promotion Schemes, Valuation for Customs Duty.
Customs Duty Authorities and their powers. Penalties and Prosecutions Appeals and Revision.
Central Sales Tax: Important terms and definitions under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956-
Registration of Dealers, Inter-State-Sale. Sales Tax liability, Tax liability in special cases.
Computation of Tax. Right of Government to Frame Rules. Penalties and Prosecution . Procedure of
assessment. Collection of Tax and Penalties and its Distribution.
Service Tax General Provisions: Nature of service tax; Value of taxable services; Exemption;
CENVAT and service tax, Procedure of service tax. U.P. Trade Tax: (Important – Provisions and
Procedure), Introduction; Registration of Dealer; Exemptions.
1. Ahuja, Girish & Gupta Ravi : Practical Approaches to Income Tax, Wealth Tax and
Central Sales Tax
2. Datey, V.S. : Indirect Taxes
3. Central Excise Act
4. Customs Act
5. Central Sales Tax Act